Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What is Denied and Dropped?

We created Denied and Dropped to give a real human face to the current health care debate by offering a place where people can share their stories about being denied coverage or having their coverage canceled completely at a time when they probably needed it most. Also, families of people who have died because they were denied medical care are encouraged to share their stories.

Initially, it is our hope to gather as many of these stories as possible, so that we can begin to create a single voice that bears the weight of real numbers.

Too often, people go through these types of experiences in the midst of dealing with a terrible health crises, so that their resources and energy are not necessarily focused on getting the word out about their situation. Unfortunately, this type of situation is growing in this country as insurers bring all of their money and power to bear upon politicians and other policy makers to try and block any type of real health-care reform.

This blog is not intended to promote any single political ideology, rather we are hoping to focus our efforts on showing the real human face of victims who have suffered financially, emotionally and physically because they have been denied access to medical care because of insurance company bureaucracy, policies and practices.

Neither is this blog anti-insurance, as we feel that insurers can provide a valuable service when everything works as intended.

So please send us your stories and we will do our best to present them fairly and effectively. Down the road, we are exploring the idea of transferring these stories to a more formal website.

Thank you and if you are interested in sending your stories, send them to denieddropped@gmail.com. Feel free to include a picture.

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